Lady Holland Taylor has just come out of mourning for her beloved husband George who died three years ago. Despite the amount of time that has passed she still feels the grieve of his passing and never expects to marry or find love again, instead choosing to focus on her young daughter Rose. However, that all changes when she gets mistakenly kissed by a man in the first ball she has attended in three years, never expecting to feel the thrill of desire she flees hoping never to see the man again. The mysterious man; however, has entirely different expectations…

It is splendid to read a Lisa Kleypas book that I haven’t seen before! I know she is now doing her contemporary series (something I really need to catch up on) but I don’t know about anyone else, but I believe her Historicals will always be what I love her best for. When Dreams Begin is one of her earlier works and I was warned that it may not reach the high expectations I have when I pick up a Lisa Kleypas book, but although this book won’t perhaps be my favourite book of hers I still think it was a great read and by no means did I feel it had let me down.

What I love most about LK’s books, is her heroes and Zachary Bronson certainly made my heart beat a little faster, he reminded me of a mixture of Derek Craven and Simon Hunt (incidentally two of my favourite heroes!) a ruthless self made man, only he was a lot…nicer, she painted a picture of a man who would manipulate anyone to get what he wanted, but in Where Dreams Begin, we didn’t really see much of that, instead you witnessed him fall madly in love with Holly, it was unexpectedly sweet.

Holly, I admit that at points she irritated me, why wasn’t she throwing herself in the arms of this wonderful man? A man who adores her child; respects his mother; dotes on his sister and is madly in love with her? Alas, it would be a bit of a short book is she did, so I can’t dislike her too much, but she also wasn’t as memorable as some other heroines, which is part of the reason this book got 4 feathers and not 5. One of the aspects that I did like about this book was the George, Holly’s dead husband, I liked that instead of making him an odious character that Holly hated, instead she truly loved him and this was book was also about Holly over coming her grief and learning to live without him as it was about her falling in love with Zach.

This was a beautiful love story and it once again goes to show what a great storyteller Lisa Kleypas is.

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