Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.ย  *sigh*ย  I may have had this weird picture in my head while reading this book that Gabriel looked like Jason Momoa in this picture.

And you girls might know of my love and fascination with that man.ย  So that coupled with the fact that Gabriel is just smooth and sexy and Oh.My.Gawd.HAWT certainly made me tingnle and just want to get some of his fire!

But as much as I thought I was going to love Gabriel and May as a couple, they sort of fizzled out for the most part of this book.ย  Yeah, they had some parts where I liked them together but for the most part I was neither loving them nor hating them as a couple.

The story was pretty interesting, with May stuck in Abbadon and pretty much having to “marry” the Demon Lord Magoth.ย  Is it wrong of my to like his character?ย  I know he is meant as the bad guy here but I developed a sort of crush on him, with all his full-of-himself comments and thinking he’s the greatest gift to women, how can anyone not want to have a piece of him? LOL

Speaking of funny characters, he kind of took the place of Jim in this book, of course he couldn’t compare.ย  Jim was sort of absent in this story and we only got a few of his good lines.ย  But the ones we did get had me laughing out loud.ย  Aisling is ready to pop (have her baby) so I really can’t wait for that to happen.ย  And Cyrene, well…. she still annoyed me.

In terms of plot there was a lot of action, demons running rampant in the human world, dragons walking the shadow world, dragon politics and new characters popping up from the ummm dead.ย  Fiat, that little slimy bastard!ย  I do feel like I want to get through the silver dragons so I can have some more Baltic!!ย Must read faster!

Favorite quote:

“I’m calling the demon abuse hotline!”


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  1. I’ve enjoyed all of the books I’ve read by Katie MacAlister so far, thanks for the review of Up in Smoke, I’ll have to make sure I read that one.

  2. Katie MacAlister is a go to author for when I’m in the mood for some light, funny and sexy books. And yes it does help when I can picture Jason Momoa as the hero LOL
