This book has changed my perception of things forever. When I used to think of the name Howard, I would think:

And don’t get me wrong, I love Howard from The Big Bang Theory he is my favourite geek, but do I have fantasize about him? No. However, when I now think of Howards I think:

Which is waaay more satisfying. So thank you Jo Davis, you deserve three starts for sexing up all the Howards out there! But asides from the hunky Howard issue, this book also earnt its’ stars as I thought it was sexy and had a little bit of suspense in it.

Howard *drool* Paxton, or Six Pack to his friends gets more then he bargained for when he and his team get called to fire in a supposedly empty house. However, they find a body tied to a bed and burnt to death. But the murderer is playing an elaborate game centred on Howard…

This was a good book, I liked the romance between Howard and Kat, I thought they were a great fit. Kat was sassy and smart and Howard was gorgeous with a terrible past. They also had amazing chemistry and I didn’t expect this book to be as hot as it was, so expect some really great sex scenes.

As for the mystery, I enjoyed it, but I figured out early on the who and the why. But it didn’t stop me liking the book, as I was a lot more interested in Kat and Howard. I also liked the bits and pieces you saw of the other team, and I am especially looking forward to getting to the next book about Zach, the cute genius.

A great quick read choc full of crazy hawt fire man! Here is my impression of Howard’s team, prepare to drool!

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  1. Lady D, I’m soooo sorry! We started putting the shelves on our reviews and I keep forgetting to make the graphic on the side for reference as to what some of them mean, I really need to make time to do that this weekend. So AP = Please enter through the backdoor. If you get my meaning, it’s a warning that it has “that” kind of sex scene in the book.
