I think I need a moment to scream and let out all my frustration with this book.  First of all we have a hot hero, Trace Rivers is so sexy and badass that when I first met him in book one I couldn’t wait to read his book.  Of course expecting something a bit larger than life.  He’s coming from just recently having rescued his sister from a human trafficking organization and now has made it his mission to put a stop to it.

Now in this book he’s not really going after the guy that had taken his sister but a different baddie who is running the same type of op.  He’s infiltrated the organization and made himself a key, trusted player.  All his plans get changed when a gorgeous woman saunters in and claims to be the big baddie’s long lost daughter.  But he knows she has ulterior motives to be here.

Priscilla is the product of her mother being taken by him and passed around, so she’s not quite sure who her father is but what she does know is that she wants vengeance.

Now up to here you’re thinking pretty good huh?  Well… I thought it was a bit boring.  No, not a bit, quite boring actually.  Priscilla was annoying at times and Trace should’ve been, I don’t know, more.  I actually found myself more interested in any glimpses of Alani and Jackson (which I’m told their book is amazing!!).

I can only say so far I’ve been just a tad disappointed with this series and this book was very anti-climactic.  But I still like the idea of the organization and I definitely like the characters of the next book so I’ll be reading it soon.  I’m just ready to be wowed!

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  1. I have not read this author so cannot offer up an informed opinion, but I do ‘feel your pain’ when a book doesn’t live up to expectation.
    Best two out of three?