…this was a fun book, it had something for everyone, action, romance, sexy aliens and a great heroine. It may have lacked intensity and for me that extra something that hooks me to a series… ~ Under the Covers
Katherine “Kitty” Katt is minding her own business when a man with wings starts massacring everyone in sight. Without realising it, Kitty gets the bad guy and saves the day…but that’s just the beginning. Between sexy aliens, family secrets and monsters Kitty’s life takes a turn for the extra ordinary.
This series has been on my wishlist for a while; an UF with aliens in it, I am sold! I was half expecting, and hoping, for a series like Kate Daniels (Ilona Andrews) or Cassie Palmer (Karen Chance), only with aliens instead of vamps and shifters; however, my expectations were completely upturned. Think more along the lines of Men in Black and Molly Harper, it was full of alien packed action and a funny likable heroine.
What I liked most about Touched by an Alien was the characters and the pace of the story. From page one you dive straight into the book and the action with barely a chance to breath and you get to know all the characters along the way. Kitty and Jeff, her extraterrestrial love interest, were easy characters to get to know and love, they were resourceful, fairly uncomplicated and gave fantastic banter.
But although the writing was great and the story enjoyable, I was a little disappointed, I thought Kitty was an unrealistic she made massive jumps in logic all of which were correct; she was a little too perfect. The romance also happened a little too quickly, i-love-yous were swapped a bit too fast, although I appreciate that the will-they-won’t-they phase of their relationship wasn’t stretched out for ages, I thought the tension could have been strung out perhaps till the next book.
Altogether this was a fun book, it had something for everyone, action, romance, sexy aliens and a great heroine. It may have lacked intensity and for me that extra something that hooks me to a series, but I would give the next book a try.
My Favourite Quote:
“You come from Planet Hunk, sent to Earth to protect and serve. And make the ladies happy.”
[about-author author=”Gini Koch”]
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Love your fav quote Suz…thanks for the review!