“Sadly, I didn’t fall in love and I couldn’t understand why the heroine thought she was in love either.”
~ Under the Covers

After reading the first two books in the Women of Dor Nye series I raced to get my hands on the third. I had a brand new weird and wonderful alien hero and a brand new heroine to fall in love with. Sadly, I didn’t fall in love and I couldn’t understand why the heroine thought she was in love either.

In the first two books the relationship between the heroine and the hero(es) was really strong, full of mutual respect and love. In this book that was not the case. The hero was a twat. He treated the heroine poorly and with little respect and only seemed to realise that he should probably love her for her strengths when this was pointed out to him by some one else in the 10% of the book.

When, from almost the very beginning of the book you are silently urging the heroine to leave the hero and never look back, you know that things have gone horribly wrong. However, I loved the first two books of this series so much that I will be giving it a second chance and reading the next in the series.

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  1. Too bad Suzanne, I get so bummed when I love a writer and one of their books tank. Better luck next time. Shared on all my socials!