THE SWEETEST TEMPTATION is a cleverly written, well paced story with a hint of humor that makes the character gleam with polished perfection! ~ Under the Covers

Lion shifter Andrew Paige wakes up in a motel room with no memory of how he got there. What’s even more frightening is the fact that the police are blaming him for the kidnapping of a woman he has never even heard of.

Erica Ware is a wood nymph and on a full moon, she and her sister must troll the area looking for someone to mate with if only to hold back the madness that occurs when the moon is big and bright. Erica is desperate to find her sister, Keira and when she is faced with Drew, the man whom the state police suspect is the kidnapper, she uses her unique abilities to obtain the truth.

I was very impressed by the way Bonilla tackled this shifter short. I was immediately drawn in by the mystery and confusion Drew felt in the opening scene. It hooks the reader right in and draws them deeper and deeper.

Bonilla also nicely gives her characters enough depth that they seem genuine and real. This is a tough feat especially in such a tight word count. I loved Drew and Erica as individuals, but loved them more together as a couple. They had such potent chemistry that I wouldn’t mind seeing further explored in a full length book!

As the second book in the series, I would highly suggest readers start with the first book in the series, THE SWEETEST TORTURE. The stories connect and would greatly benefit the reader if read in the order they are released in.

THE SWEETEST TEMPTATION is a cleverly written, well paced story with a hint of humor that makes the character gleam with polished perfection!

*Review Copy provided by author

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