“…both fun and captivating, wrapped up in a cloud of mystery and a dash of danger.”
~ Under the Covers
I don’t get to read too many books that have a supernatural theme like X-Men, so when I found this historical romance series (last year?) I was extremely excited to say the least. However, the first book was just ok and didn’t leave me rushing to pick up the next one. I’m thankful for Romanceopoly that made me pick this one up. This fulfilled the Mystery Challenge #2 for reading a book with a courtesan heroine.
Let me backtrack some. The hero of this story can hear people’s thoughts, but he’s not fully in control of his abilities. He’s a new recruit at the Order of the M.U.S.E. and they are trying to teach him how to harness that power and protect himself from the onslaught of mental chatter. But now is time for him to use that skill on a mission to uncover a plot of kill the King. From all the thoughts he picks up at a party, one person seems to have the knowledge he’s seeking. The beautiful and mysterious courtesan who has also captured his heart.
This book was definitely a step up from the first one. The romance plot and the spy and intrigue stuff was woven in really well throughout the story. At the same time each character had a lot of depth and I cared for both individually as much as I wanted them to end up happily together. They are both strong and resilient in their own ways and I loved that strength and sacrifice they showed, both in their past and now to fight for their relationship.
THE MADNESS OF LORD WESTFALL was both fun and captivating, wrapped up in a cloud of mystery and a dash of danger. I am excited to read the next book but also a bit sad that there isn’t more in this series after that.
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Glad book 2 was an improvement!
I have to check these out, thanks for sharing your thoughts on it Francesca
Thanks for the review.