This installment of The Flesh Cartel will leave you on the edge of your seat ~ Under the Covers

Holy Mary, Mother of God!! In what has been an amazing series of books the likes of which I have not read anywhere else, Trials & Errors was hands-down the best thus far! For the first time in awhile, we see Mat pull himself up by his bootstraps and reveal his fortitude in doing what he needs to do to survive and to protect both Dougie and Roger. His attitude is back, and it’s wonderful to see. Of course, part of me cringes when he behaves this way because Lord only knows how Nikolai will respond, but at the same time, I am cheering him on for not succumbing to a fate worse than death. My sweet, poor Dougie, however, has seemingly transformed into exactly what Nikolai wants. He has become his slave, and although he has been a “good” boy, Dougie still endures things that no man should even think are possible. But he does, and he does it with a grace and self sacrifice which makes Nikolai more than proud, and as a result, Dougie is happy. Happy, people!! Slay me, now! The saddest part is that not only is Dougie happy, but throughout this book, the reader can truly see just how mentally fucked up Dougie is – that Nikolai succeeded in his work, the rat bastard that he is. Of course, too much of a good thing never can last, and it doesn’t. And as I have said in prior reviews, when you think that Haimowitz and Belleau could not come up with something worse than anything they’ve written before, they do. And like Nikolai tells Mat when Mat makes some demands of his own, be careful what you wish for. And he should have been. Mat got what he wanted, but never in a way he could have imagined. Without giving anything away, I will just say that as I read Trials & Errors, my heart was racing a mile-a-minute, and it took every ounce of wherewithal for me not to flip ahead to see what might happen. This installment of The Flesh Cartel will leave you on the edge of your seat, and dare I say it, it gives you hope. *review copy provided by pblisher

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