“I love the fact that Megan Hart’s books always make you think…”What would I have done?” As she walks us through their present, and their past, I often questioned my feelings and my reactions. ” ~Under the Covers
Megan Hart has an unnatural talent for pulling at strings of my heart that haven’t been moved for a while. And she does so in the most unconventional ways and with the most unexpected stories. I was not sold on the concept of this book when I first picked it up. But I have blind faith in Ms. Hart and she didn’t disappoint.
This is not one of her erotic romance books, so don’t go into it expecting a lot of horizontal dancing. This is, however, the story of a woman who had sort of lost her way in life and coming back to her past and her roots can help her clear her mind for the future.
Janelle used to live with her grandmother, after some years of rebellious teen behavior got her there. She has much love for her grandmother, and a lot of fond memories about growing up there. All really except for one. She moved away, had some ups and downs in life, and now is back to take care of her dying grandmother in the last few months of her life. And she’s brought her teenage son along with her.
As it turns out, the Tierney boys are still living next door with their father. They are one messed up group of boys, now all men. They all grew up around Jan and their lives were intertwined. Especially Gabriel, whom she had a relationship with back then. But things haven’t been the same since she left.
This is a deeply emotional and truly sad story in so man levels. Most of the characters in this book are broken, because of life, circumstances, actions and consequences. Yes, there’s the dying grandmother which saddens me already, but the drama Janelle and the Tierney boys have had to go through is gut-wrenching and hard to overcome.
I love the fact that Megan Hart’s books always make you think…”What would I have done?” As she walks us through their present, and their past, I often questioned my feelings and my reactions. And I was happy to see a tiny light at the end of the book. No, it’s not a HEA. But then again, this is not a romance. I’ve come to enjoy anything this author decides to write, whether it be mainstream fiction or romance. When she wants to put some heat in her stories, it’s definitely there. And sometimes, the story is just the more powerful without it. This book would make for an awesome movie!
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Megan Hart could write the phone book and I would read her. Seriously. She was my first Harlequin Spice author that I bought. Ms. Tiffany Reiz was the second Spice author. I have most of everything that she has ever written. Dirty has to be my favorite book that she has written EVER. The follow novella was great, too.
Thanks for the reminder about buying this book. You’re awesome like that.