This was sweet novella and can be read as a standalone if you haven’t read the Iron Seas series. ~ Under the Covers

Much like this novella, I am keeping this review short ‘n sweet. If you have read Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas series you will be familiar with Edward Newberry, a secondary, yet important character in The Iron Duke. This novella is set before The Iron Duke and tells the tale of how and why Newberry came to England with his brand new wife.

Like with everything else Meljean Brook has written, I really enjoyed this, Newberry was a great character in The Iron Duke; he is slightly prudish and prone to blushing at the slightest impropriety; basically adorable. In this book Newberry needs to convince the wife that he tricked into a forced marriage, to love him as much as he has fallen for her. 

This was sweet novella and can be read as a standalone if you haven’t read the Iron Seas series. It gives us Constable Newberry’s back story and shows that he is not just an intelligent and honest policeman, but an adoring and loving husband as well.


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  1. I didn’t really like the iron duke…however I did enjoy the invisible city….so maybe I’ll give this novella a try…thanks suzanne