“…a sweet yet sensual story…”
~ Under the Covers

I’ve totally been reading this series out of order and I was anxious to go back and catch up on the books I had missed.  Not to say that I have good memory or that I remember the characters in this book being part of the books I’ve read.  However, as soon as I started reading THE ART OF SINNING I knew it would deliver a sweet yet sensual story, just as I was expecting.

For one, the hero is an artist and the heroine is to be his muse.  Her brother makes a deal for him to paint her portrait and of course he bargains with the heroine for a more private painting they can work on at night, alone.

In essence, this is not a very complicated plot.  The heroine is trying to find her nephew and she needs the hero’s help.  And he’s been running away from his past, the death of his wife and child at childbirth and the anger he’s carried since for himself and his father.  But the characters are just adorable.  You can’t help but want to see how things will turn out for them and to see them overcome those past issues they both have.  I also loved how the actual “art of sinning” was woven through the story.  It gave it that sensual something I was looking for.

Overall, again, this is a great installment in the series (yeah, I know it’s the first one!).  I think for me the full length books in this series are much better than the novellas and I’ll definitely make sure I catch up on any I haven’t read yet.


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