Higgins has created a vast and unique world that I believe is unparalleled in YA today. ~ Under the Covers
SWEET EVIL has been on my radar for a very very long time. It was a book that was brought to my attention by some of my blogger friends. This year I’ve only read about four or five YA titles, so I decided that I should try something that has been in the back of my head for awhile.
One of the biggest reasons why I decided to pick this up was because awhile back, for the promotion of book two I read a character interview involving Kai and found myself smiling ear-to-ear as I read it. That much personality in an interview hooked me because you don’t see it often. That’s when I knew I had to check this series out.
SWEET EVIL deals with angels and demons, two of my favorite supernatural entities. Higgins has created a vast and unique world that I believe in unparalleled in YA today. I also think that it doesn’t talk down to teens and their intelligence. The main character, Anna Whitt may be innocent but that doesn’t mean she is naive or stupid. Even though she is learning about this world alongside the reader, she takes it in stride and never once did I think her emotions were too out of control for someone learning about who she really is and where she fits in the supernatural spectrum.
Another great thing about this book is the hero, Kaiden Rowe. He reminds me a lot of Daemon from the Lux series from Jennifer L. Armentrout. He’s badass to the core and boy does he know how to tempt the ladies. Actually, it’s his job so he must be excellently skilled at it.
Though he is a ladies’ man, I also didn’t find that aspect of him unattractive. Kai doesn’t put his moves on Ann or tries to seduce her. In fact, he is the one pushing her away when she wants to get intimate. It’s all part of the storyline and you’ll have to read it to find out the details but I thought the romance in the story was well-built, even if it did happen within four days.
That being said, the whole book is a fast-paced thrill ride that keeps getting more and more intricate as you read. Higgins doesn’t dump a load on you with her plotting and mythology, she plays it out and as you read, you learn more about the world she has created and what it takes to survive in it.
I’m eager to read the next book in the series. For fans who like YA that’s a little more sexy and spicy, I would give this series a shot. It’s a good series to read if you’re looking for more hotties such as Daemon Black.
[about-author author=”Wendy Higgins”]
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I like the sound of this-thanks for the review Ann.
YA is one of my favorite genres,especial when is in combination with paranormal 🙂
Fan of angels,mythology,vampires,werewolves YA Books 🙂
And the covers from all three books are beautiful 🙂
Which YA heroes I love?
Adrian Ivashkov – Bloodlines
Dimitri Belikov – Vampire Academy
These are my favorite heroes from YA Books 😀
Thank you for the recommendation,thanks for the great review Ann 🙂