In the succubi world created by Ms. Myles in the Succubus Diaries series, a succubus is created by a Vampire Master, and a Fallen Angel Master. She is, in a way, obligated to obey their every command.

David Thornton is a fallen angel, and 120 years ago he had been attracted to a human female, Olivia. His brother, Aloyisus, a vampire, decided to turn her, so she could be their plaything. When David realizes what Aloyisus has done and wants to free Olivia, Aloyisus takes her away and enslaves her.

She then lives as Aloyisus slave, sexual and otherwise, for a century, and is subjected to torture, abuse and humiliation and there was nothing for her to do but obey her Vampire Master.

Now, after gotten free of Aloyisus, and after living free for quite a few years, Aloyisus is back at tormenting her, and his latest command is that she can only have sex with her Master. As a succubus she needs sex every 2 days to survive, and she will not go back to Aloyisus, so she goes in search of David. Her Fallen Angel Master. Who abandoned her to her fate. Who didn’t come rescue her.  Or so she thought?

With the help of Noah she finds David, except all her beliefs are turned upside down. Nothing is what it seemed anymore.

David is just a sweetheart, he’s been “asleep” for 120 years, and now finds himself in a world that is full of new things, and much more forward females. Especially his Olivia. He couldn’t help her in the past, but he is determined to help her now.

This story was sweet and hot and just fun to read. It is part of the Succubus Diaries world, but it can be read separately without a problem.

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  1. Who can resist a story about a succubus and a fallen angel? They’re a match made in…er, um, hmmm. Well, they’re a match of some kind, made somewhere. lol
