“If you like erotica and want a short story full of sex, then you will enjoy this book.” ~Under the Covers

Elly and Josh have been married for over twenty years and have two kids. Their lives have become pretty routine until they finally decide to spice things up.

I was drawn to this book precisely because it is not one of those new romances. I really wanted to read about a couple that had been together for a while and how their relationship was…the good and the bad. Well, there sure is a lot of good!

If you like erotica and want a short story full of sex, then you will enjoy this book. I think it’s just one of those things where the book was a bit too short for me and I would’ve liked more depth of the relationship and maybe less of the sex.

Elly and Josh were both really sweet together and you can tell how much they still love each other even after all this time. They are both willing to live out each other fantasies. It would have been nice to have a bit more resistance and maybe not have everything work out so perfectly.

Overall, a great concept with a lot of steamy scenes!

Favorite quote: 

♥ “You are my world, Elly. I wouldn’t do anything or allow anything that would cause me to fall out of love with you.”

*Review copy provided by publisher

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