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“Once I started, I really couldn’t help but be completely involved in the story and want to see it through ’til the end… these two have great chemistry!” ~Under the Covers

This was a complete surprise for me.  I stumbled across this book and I was immediately sold on the cover and the blurb.  But I admit I was a bit scared that I would get another “rich boy” (wasn’t sure if he was a billionaire) book.  At the moment, I’ve had an overload of those.

REASONABLE DOUBT is a bit far-fetched but highly entertaining story.  Once I started, I really couldn’t help but be completely involved in the story and want to see it through ’til the end.  And yes, knowing this is sort of considered a serial being that the story continues over a series of novellas, I was expecting that end to come soon.  Even so, it felt as if it had a good length.

But lets get back to the story.  Andrew is a complete jerk.  Emotionally unavailable.  Completely drool-worthy.  Successful, hot and with numerous “assets”.  He likes sex and he gets it often, never from the same woman twice.  He finds his dates online and never shares personal information with them, nor any more time than needed to find his release.  Until he develops a friendship, his one and only, with a mysterious woman.  As much as he wants to meet her, she doesn’t agree.

I’m not usually a fan of jerks, although at times they have some appeal.  And for some reason, Andrew aka Thoreau had that appeal.  Even though at time my jaw would hit the floor about some of the things he would say, but I can see how someone would keep coming back for more! LOL

Aubrey started out very likeable for me but when things changed between them I feel like her confidence faltered just a bit.  I hope she doesn’t turn into a typical young heroine.  I like her being feisty and I hope she stays like that!  One thing is for sure, these two have great chemistry!

I hope that the next installment in this serial brings the same appeal for me and I can’t wait for more Andrew.

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[about-author author=”Whitney Gracia Williams”]

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  1. I could not agree with you more. I don’t really dislike Andrew – maybe because he’s being upfont about his “jerk” ways. I ate it up and cannot wait for more.