Dark and emotional, REASON TO BREATHE is an inspiring story of first love and hope. ~ Under the Covers
I was curious to know what the big secret about this series was. The blurb doesn’t give very much insight into what Emma has to deal with. However, I found that not knowing turned out to actually be a good thing. In the opening chapter, you already get a sense of what is going to happen. And it gets progressively worse.
Needless to say, this book turned out to be a rollercoaster ride of emotions from start to finish. There is a major cliffhanger ending that would have made me cry out if not for the fact that all books have been released already and are ready to be gobbled up.
Emma was a character that I immediately liked. Donovan does a great job of portraying Emma’s hopelessness while also not making her seem like she was giving up. As Emma tries her hardest in school to ensure a spot in college as far as possible from her abusive aunt and uncle where she is staying after her father died, readers get Emma’s full range of emotions. You experience her fears, her hurts, her frustrations.
But you also get her unexpected feelings of love and attachment wit Evan. Evan felt like a miracle. Emma wasn’t ever betting on meeting anyone, but once Evan came into her life, she found something she never thought she would experience: love.
Dark and emotional, REASON TO BREATHE is an inspiring story of first love and hope.
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[about-author author=”Rebecca Donovan”]
This series drained me. I was so emotionally spent after reading this series that I spend a whole day being totally emo around the house. LOL.