“Razing Kane is an IMPRESSIVE DEBUT NOVEL that had me turn pages non-stop. It is an engaging story that will make a mark on your reading experience. This story is heart breaking, EMOTIONALLY CHARGED and sometimes draining but most of all, it’s full of HOPE and SECOND CHANCES. Ms. Reeves has definitely captured my heart.” ~Under the Covers

State Trooper Kayne Dobrescu is a believable alpha male of the twentieth century complete with a tortured past. He is every bit jaded but deep down he is sweet, loving, confident, over bearing, over protective, and SEXY as hell. His story UTTERLY broke my heart. And the same goes for Jessica Halstatt. She is selfless, emotionally strong, inspiring and I AM HUMBLED by her character.

Kayne and Jessica are both victims of their past trying to survive the best way can. ย It is true fate that this two lost souls cross paths and given another chance at life. However, Ms. Reeves did not make it that easy as their paths will cross more ways then they can imagine.

I cannot speak highly enough about this book that had me crying at five percent. The tragic but realistic scenes were just so heart breaking. ย The intrigue, betrayal, heartaches, happiness, lust and love in this one novel was delivered with skill in a full flowing story. ย With experience being a 911 dispatcher, Ms Reeves brings REALISM to this book and more then that, AWARENESS.

If you haven’t already read this book, I strongly suggest you do. ย I promise you will not be disappointed.

Now, every time I hear this song, all I think of is Kayne, Jessica and Ms. Reeves. ย I just thought to include it with my review. ย Yeah, this book truly made an impact on me.

ย Did you like this review? If so, please tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. Thank you for the beautiful tribute you have written to our First Resonders. Sometimes in all the despair, and heartbreak we forget how effected they are by the trauma and death. Compounded by the fact they were innocent children and teachers.

    Angela, great review and the selection of the song ” Dark Side” is eerily perfect! I share your opinion of Razing Kayne and Ms. Reeves talent! Thank you again.

  2. I read and loved this story of Kayne and just haven’t gotten to writing my own review. When I read the blurb, I KNEW I had to get this one. It was not a disappointment.
    Great post.

  3. Thank you for the reminder that those that respond to these types of things are not robots and that they have feelings too.
    I loved Razing Kayne and can’t wait for the next book.