Dear readers of this review:

WOW! If you have not read this series, do yourself a favor and pick it up.ย  If you like a tortured hero, and sometimes tortured heroine as well, with plenty of anย emotional story along with your very hot sexy scenes, then this is the series for you.

~ Francesca
I’ve been waiting for this story since book one when we get our first taste of Adam and who just then was a teenager, Karla.ย  I thought this would put me off being that he is 25 years older than her and at that point he had just lost his wife to cancer, but by the end of book one I couldn’t help butย want these two to get together….badly!

Karla is now 25 years old and the singer at Master at Arms, the kink club that Adam owns.ย  He’s 50 now andย he keeps telling himself to stay away, that she’s just a kid.ย  But things happenย and their platonic relationship turns physical.ย  *fans self* Ohhh the things I learned with this book!ย  There’s chains, rope (Adam is very good with rope), tying, hanging, and a lot more!ย  Even what I now know as orgasm torture ๐Ÿ˜‰

But it’s not all roses between them.ย  Adam has a lot in his past that he has to deal with.ย  I don’t expect him to resolve his issues in this one book because they’re all major issues to have and to overcome but I can happily say he’s taken that first step towards happiness.

Karla also learned that she can’t just be Adam’s slave but she has to be herself, which was all a learning experience for her and I think she’s doing amazing dealing with this new lifestyle.

There’s also a new development between Orlando and Savi.ย  Oh the torture to wait for their book next!!!ย  I can tell it’ll be a tearjerker.

And speaking of tearjerkers, let me give you a warning about this book and please don’t be like me and listen!ย  My friend told me to have tissues ready while reading this.ย  Of course I ignored that.ย  I can honestly say I have not been reduced to a sobbing mess the way this book got me.ย  I must’ve been crying for a half hour straight while reading it, let me tell you it wasn’t pretty.ย  But it was amazing!

You will fall in love with Adam, you will want to comfort him, please him and make him happy.ย  And Karla is just the girl for the job, I couldn’t help but be rooting for her the whole book.ย  I cannot tell you how much I want to read the next book RIGHT NOW!!!

The author alsoย casted these charactersย to give you a visual:

Mark Harmon as Adam Montague

Tarja Tarunen as Karla Paxton

*Review copy provided by author

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  1. Awesome review! I love all of Kallypso’s RESCUE ME series, but Adam and Karla..sigghhh =) Of course I also have a special love for Master Luke. Can’t convince Kallypso that I am better for Luke than Cassi =)

  2. @Leeann… I wish I had actually nailed him ๐Ÿ™‚ hehe

    @DiDi… Thanks! Master Luke sounds very interesting but he didn’t catch my interest yet as much because he hasn’t been around enough. But wow, Cassie’s story in this book! *tears* That will be a rough one, although if Kallypso has a vote, I’ll vote for you as well.


  3. I have learned to take friendly warnings to heart. I have just started this series and I can already tell that I’m very invested in the characters.

    Thanks for the share!

  4. Fantastic, Francesca! I can not wait to start this book! I won’t be able to pick it up for at least a month, but maybe that will be a good thing so I can read the new one right after it.

  5. I am just grinning ear to ear, Francesca (when I should be sleeping!). But thank you so much for that great review! And I’m glad so many of you have been enjoying the series!

    @Shelly–you need to read Nobody’s Angel before Nobody’s Hero or you will miss some important scenes and information about Adam and Karla. (I don’t write stand-alones–more like a serial.) If you don’t believe me, just ask those who have read them if they could have skipped around and still enjoyed them as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope to have Damian and Savi’s story out by mid May! Working on it now–and, yes, have the tissues handy. And maybe grab a weapon if you want to go with the Marines to exact justice for Savi. The more, the merrier!


  6. I just finished the first two books in the serial (in a day), just bought the next two…I should be sleeping…but..what’s a little “pain and suffering” it’s worth the ecstacy

  7. Kally is one of my favorite authors! i’ve read all of her books! They are hot, hot! Ot would b e very nice for this voracious reader to win!

  8. The one book that made me cry like a baby and broke my heart would be Tymber Dalton’s the reluctant Dom. Such a good read and had me crying so hard