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It is safe to say I loved this book, I am gonna be honest for a while there it became a bit of an obsession ~ Under the Covers
I have taken three things away from this book
1 Quite a few bits of trivial knowledge that I didn’t know before
2 A massive crush on Quinn Sullivan aka Sir McHotpants
3 A reputation for being crazy in the chill out area in work for all the sudden bursts of giggling whilst I was sat by myself
It is safe to say I loved this book, I am gonna be honest for a while there it became a bit of an obsession; trying to find a spare minute to whip out Kendra the Kindle and sneakily read a few line; staring suspiciously at security guards searching for secret CEOs; looking up local knitting groups…for a while there shit got crazy!
Penny Reid has definitely found the direct route to my heart (and a 5 star review); one clever, clueless, goofy hilarious female + one smoulderingly hot bad boy type + making my laugh so hard I started making strange snorty noises = One happy Suzanne. I think the aforementioned heroine is what really made this a 5 star book for me, most books are told from a heroine’s POV and if you don’t like her or are ambivalent about her it is going to tinge how you see the book. But Janie (the heroine) was great, she wasn’t your usual kind of heroine, she was genuinely quirky not just i-name-my-toaster-and-have-mummy-issues quirky (although she did have mummy issues) and more importantly she was funny and didn’t piss me off.
As well as writing a great heroine Ms Reid also excelled at building the chemistry and connection between Janie and Quinn. Whenever they were together you could feel the mutual attraction drawing them to each other and although this was fade to black in regards to the sexercise I still thought they were pretty hot together.
So, here I am devastated that the book is over and having seen this is a debut book by Penny Reid (which I was surprised at, it was fairly polished and confident; it didn’t seem like a first book), doubly devastated that I can’t immediately starting reading her back list of books. I highly recommend you give this book a try!
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Thanks Suz!
This is a great review! Almost as entertaining as the book. Your description is exactly how I felt after reading the book (and while I read it). I just googled this author and I am so sad there are no more books!! New we’ll just have to wait for the next one.
I’ve seen and heard a lot about this book and have added it to the TBR–love it when a book makes you snort coffee and other drinks through your nose as you’re reading 🙂
Definitely,I will! 🙂
I’m glad you really,really enjoyed reading this book Suzanne!
Excellent review!