Anyway on to the book!
Gwyneth Carswell wants nothing more then to protect her son Rory, but when she makes the decision to save a man from an enemy clan her relatively peaceful life comes to an abrupt halt as she realizes that the man is not only a man from the enemy clan but also their Laird.
Oh Alasdair! What a completely PERFECT man! Not only has he got the Highlander thing working for him (as detailed above!) but he is also kind, considerate and great with children and animals (I am guessing the animals bit!) Gwyneth was one lucky lady.
As for Gwyneth…God but she annoyed me! At first I didn’t mind her but as the book went on I couldn’t stand her, she was so set against being with Alasdair, which at first I understood, but bloody hell what did the poor man have to do to her earn her trust!? Right to the end she used her son as an excuse to distance herself, which was a load of BS. Then she kept doing the ONE thing that is guranteed to annoy me more. She slept with him, said she would never do it again, 5 minutes later she is doing the naked Tango with him, and again declares she will never do it again, and then YET AGAIN, she is shagging him 10 minutes later!!! This happens repeatedly! In fact she annoyed me so much I began to lose respect for Alasdair for being in love with such a twit.
But, I did like this book, especially the beginning although I found it dragged a bit in the middle. Apart from the heroine annoying me it was a good read and gave me a fix of hunky Highlander!
[about-author author=”Vonda Sinclair”]
Hey Suz! I definitely liked it more than you did, but she annoyed me too.