“If you are looking for a steamy, quick and festive read then this will fit perfectly.”
~ Under the Covers

We all have those books that have been lingering our TBR for years and years, even if we were excited to read them.  That’s sort of what happened to me with the Wild West Boys series (only 2 books out right now) by Lorelei James.  These are “related” to the Rough Riders series and if you are a fan of that series you know the West boys, who are related to the McKays.  I’ll be honest, what I really want to read is Doc Monroe’s story and I was kind of holding out until that was out to read them all.  But I’m not sure that’s happening anytime soon and this was a fitting book for the season.  Plus it was released on audiobook!

OK, explanations aside… this story is about tight laced accountant Holly who ends up working at a strip club for a few days as a favor to her friend and client after her star “Mistress Christmas” called in sick.  Holly just needs to dress up as Mistress Christmas and walk around talking to the customers, not actually performing.  On her first night she meets Detective Nick West who is actually investigating Mistress Christmas and the sparks fly immediately.

If you are looking for a steamy, quick and festive read then this will fit perfectly.  I loved that it was in the Rough Riders world but it’s also very different in feel than those books.  The hero doesn’t want to work at a ranch, he’s happy being a cop.  I thought they had immediate chemistry although I generally struggle with shorter stories that show a deeper connection without the characters really getting to know each other well.  That’s just a personal thing though.

This was fun to read as it made me think back on the Rough Riders timeline and where this would fit in.  It made me reminisce.  I will be reading the next installment later in 2019 as it’s another story that is fitting for a different holiday.  And I’ll keep holding out hope that we get Doc Monroe’s story at some point.  Fingers crossed.



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