One of my favorite books in this series. Rehv and Ehlena are such a sweet couple. I knew from the moment that Rehv was attracted to Marissa that he would end up with a female like that, not too rough and aggressive, but of a good family, with a back bone, but sweet and caring.

Rehv has always, and does now as well, put everyone else first. He basically gives up his chance at happiness to protect everyone around him and not cause the ones he loves pain. He takes care of the threats against Wrath, he takes care of his sister, deals with the loss of his mother, and after knowing what he has to do, he still manage to leave everyone he loves set to continue on without him.

Ehlena fights for him, and to get him back. She deals with her issues with who he is and what he does. She has always been a strong person, even while dealing with her past and her father. The betrayal from the Glymera. I was glad when Saxton came knocking and solved her problems!

The side stories…. Ohhh boy… JM and Xhex, it gets good, and then it all crashes, badly, they took me on a sad and then sadder rollercoaster ride, and I know it’s not over yet. I hate Lash as always, he’s a little shit and deserves what’s coming to him. Mr. D is actually one of my favorite lessers, even though Lash treats him like crap, he doesn’t seem that evil! Wrath fighting with Payne… classic! George, the blonde golden retriever.. LOVE HIM!

I cannot wait to re-read JM’s book! OMG OMG OMG!

Favourite Quote:

The staircase that was revealed was lit with a soft red glow. “I feel like I’m walking down into a porn movie,” V muttered as they took the steps with care.

“Wouldn’t that require more black candles for you,” Zsadist cracked. At the bottom of the landing, they looked left and right down a corridor carved out of stone, seeing row after row of…black candles with ruby color flames.

“I take that back,” Z said, eyeing the display.

“We start hearing chick-a-wow-wow shit,” V cut in, “Can I start calling you Z-packed?”

“Not if you want to keep breathing.”

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  1. Lover Avenged was the first JR Ward book I read. Wow! I loved it and couldn’t believe I hadn’t read her books sooner. I went back and read the rest of this series and can’t wait to start on her Fallen Angels.