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Live Wire by Lora Leigh

romantic suspense

Live Wire by Lora Leigh

Elite Ops #7
March 1, 2011

Read this if you want

  • Military romance
  • Jerk alpha hero
  • Both MCs are ex-military

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Jordan Malone…. What else do I have to say? LOL I’ve waited so long to read his story!!!!

He is the hard-ass, pain-in-the-ass, commander of the Elite Ops. He’s always prided himself of not falling in love, not letting a woman become more important to him than a mission. But we’ve all seen that throughout the years, he’s always had a soft spot for Tehya, fiery redhead, maybe a few years too young for him, but someone who has already been through too much in her life, and is now only looking for love.

The story starts off with the ending of the Elite Ops, all the original guys are being sent home, and a new unit will be taking their place.  And that means Tehya has to start a new life, under a new identity, away from everything and everyone that she has known for so many years, and away from the one man she’s always wanted.

This book had just the right amount of suspense and action, there was always something happening and I was pleasantly surprised to see a setup for the next series and the new group of Elite Ops being incorporated into this book.

Now… about Jordan and Tehya…. these 2 did not disappoint me! They got hot and sweaty *wink* in the living room, in the bedroom, on a chair, on the kitchen counter, on top of a conference table, in the back of a limo, just ….. WOW!  Maybe  I’m biased because I’ve always liked him.

Jordan was a bit too much of an ass-alpha-male, but nothing as close as what I was expecting from seeing him throughout the series, so I found him actually endearing 🙂 Tehya did show a side I wasn’t expecting, she was very vulnerable, maybe after too many years of rejection, and she didn’t have that spark she’s showed throughout the series. I was really missing that, more of her snarky personality.

I was happy to also see updates on the families of all previous members of the Elite Ops and from the Tempting Seals series as well, it gave it an air of finality.  But they were all incorporated very well into the story.

So, I’m sad that’s it’s over, but it was fun!  And I’m looking forward to Lora Leigh’s next Romantic Suspense.

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