I liked this and then I didn’t. It was hot and then it annoyed me. I was a bit conflicted and the main reason why was because I felt that this story felt forced. It was forced.Jenna and her brother Jackson had made a pact not to date each other friends after a bad incident happened with an ex friend that turned crazy. In a previous book Jackson fell in love with Jennas’ friend Rachel and couldn’t abide by that pact anymore. Now Jenna is faced with the possibility that the secret crush of her life (her brother’s friend Garreth) is leaving town for good. But she still doesn’t want to cross that line because of the pact.

And that may be something she can overcome but the fact that she finds out that Garreth was the third in a threesome with her brother and Rachel while they were getting together, well she doesn’t know how she can deal with that.

But Jackson and Rachel know how. They kidnap both Jenna and Garreth and leave them both in a house to face their feelings for each other once and for all.

Of course sparks fly, and they are pretty hot mind you and by the end of their time together in “captivity” they know they be apart. That didn’t work for me.

I did like the writing and will be checking out other Jess Dee’s books, as well as going back and reading Rachel and Jackson’s story, but I feel this story would’ve maybe worked better as a full novel where there was more time to work on their issues instead of going from “friends” that had never even kissed to I can’t live without yous, with everything in between.

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  1. Thanks for the review – I haven’t read either book in this series yet but I’ll make sure to start with the first book to get Jackson and Rachel’s story first