Lady Miranda Sinclair has been sent away from London to the country with strict distant relations for her scandalous behavior, in the hopes it will tame her. However, her first act in Wooden Bassett is to kiss a highwayman as he robs their carriage…not the best of starts. Mr Montgomery Foxcroft, Fox to all those who know him, has had to resort to desperate measures to keep his orphanage safe, and has become a highwayman. But it doesn’t seem all the bad when he steals a kiss from a beautiful young lady.

There were a lot of things I did like about this book, the writing was good, the story was interesting and there were cute orphans, but for me it was ruined as I couldn’t stand the heroin, Miranda, which in turn made me question the hero’s, Fox’s, taste (and yes intelligence).

I could see what Ms Burke was doing with her, when she first arrives in Wooden Bassett she is a spoiled and arrogant Duke’s daughter who judges everyone on appearance and what they have, and I grant by the end of the book she has vastly changed for the better. But despite her growth as a character and despite understanding some of their decisions she makes….I still couldn’t stand her.

But, despite not liking the main character I did enjoy the book and the hero, despite his questionable taste in women, was adorable and sexy. How can you resist a man who works night and day to keep cute orphans safe?

Miranda’s brother Lord Saxton was also an interesting character and I know the next book is about him and I am looking forward to reading it!

*Review copy provided by author

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  1. Nice review! I’ve read several reviews about this book and most reviewers are really split on the main character in the book. I do have this on my wishlist.