“There aren’t enough new dragon series coming out in my opinion.”
~ Under the Covers

When dragons tore through a rift in the sky they destroyed the world leaving only a relatively small population of humans alive. Now, ever human has to survive not only this harsh new world but constant attacks by dragons driven mad with rage by something in the Earth’s atmosphere. The only way to stop the madness? The dragon must find their mate. Only then will a dragon’s sanity return and their blood lust dissipate.

There aren’t enough new dragon series coming out in my opinion. Dragons don’t seem to be in fashion at the moment, which is crazy! How can dragons be unpopular? They’re magnificent and fearsome beasts and whether they make an appearance as either friend or foe, they’re awesome. So, hopefully Ruby Dixon’s Fireblood Dragons series will help put dragons back into the spotlight where they belong, especially as this series seems to just get better.

In some ways this story follows the typical damsel in distress storyline much more than the other three books in the series. We have a virgin heroine who throws herself at the mercy of a dragon, hoping that he’s her knight in shining scales and will rescue her from a life of constant protection, which is beginning to feel more like a prison. Only she doesn’t quite get the gentle, poetry reading dragon of her dreams, instead, she gets the battle scarred, possessive and ferocious Rast.

Even though Rast isn’t quite what Amy think she wants, he seems to what she needs I liked that a little bit of Rast’s forcefulness seeped into Amy and a little of Amy’s gentleness seems to rub off on Rast. They balance each other out, and although initially I thought Amy would be the kind of heroine I dislike – weak and whiny – I was pleasantly surprised by her inner strength and her drive.

Rast also remembers a lot more about his former home than any of the former dragon heroes, who, in their madness have forgotten nearly everything about their previous life. It was interesting to see more about how their world worked and I can’t wait to find out more and see how it plays into the overall story. There seems to be something on the horizon and I will definitely be reading on to find out what.

Give this series a read if you want a red hot paranormal romance, with a story that just gets more interesting the more you read. I can’t wait to see what happens next and who out next dragon and next heroine will be.


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  1. I love this cover i have all this series on my tbr gr list!! Fabulous review suzanne!! Shared on all my socials!

  2. Thanks for the review, I’m going to catch up on this series of of these days. I’ve only read book 1.

  3. I love this cover i have all this series on my tbr gr list!! Fabulous review suzanne!! Shared on all my socials!