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“…there was something, a spark of connection for me with the characters, to enjoy this one as much as I’ve done the other two in the past.” ~ Under the Covers

Well, here’s the thing with this book.  It’s sweet and enjoyable, and an entertaining read.  However, there was something, a spark of connection for me with the characters, to enjoy this one as much as I’ve done the other two in the past.

So let me tell you what I liked best.  The hero’s personality.  Aiden (Irish) is hot, all possessive and badass, with a side of danger he keeps covered up.  There’s an edge to him just under the surface, like a caged tiger.

What I didn’t connect with as much?  The couple’s connection.  I never got to the point where I cared what happened to either one of them that much.  I was going through the motions and was happy to see the end result, but I could take them or leave them.

What I didn’t like?  I thing I’ve reached my personal limit for the “I’m not good enough for her” plot.  When I don’t see a solid reason, and it has to be so good of a reason that I may not be able to think he can come back from it, then it annoys me to no end when it gets dragged on.  Add to that an easy resolution, because… well, it wasn’t such a big deal as he originally made it out to be in his head, and then my agitation grows more.

But all in all, I always enjoy Ms. Maxwell’s stories.  They’re sweet and sexy, with a dash of danger.  And I really hope the author has more in store for us in this series.  This time, I’d like to see an active fighter!


Seducing-CinderellaBook 1 Rules-of-EntanglementBook 2 Fighting for IrishBook 3

SEDUCING CINDERELLA: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
RULES OF ENTANGLEMENT: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
FIGHTING FOR IRISH: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads


[about-author author=”Gina L. Maxwell”]


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