“…this author is constantly throwing around sex talk and managed to make it a turn off for me.”
~ Under the Covers

This book feels a bit controversial to talk about. I know there are MANY fans for this book and series. For this author in general!  And it’s been on my TBR forever.  One of the things that kept me from reading it all these years is that honestly the fae aren’t my favorite paranormal creatures to read about.  So I kept pushing it off.  And then finally took the plunge.  Boy was this not what I was expecting.

Our heroine, a supposedly very capable witch, is hired (coerced?) by the Prince of the Dark Fae to help investigate a series of murders of witches and fae. What follows is what should’ve been the start of a great urban fantasy.  With lots of potential!  But it’s not quite what I think we got.  So many issues with this one.

First, the one right off the bat that was unnecessary was the questionable nature of the fae in this world.  They’re oversexualized, which isn’t new, but they basically can take away someone’s will so they can feed.  That feeding is generally of a sexual nature.  But when you take away the chance of that person consenting to what’s going on, it can get dicey.  That’s exactly the case with this book.  There’s also a contract involved but it still doesn’t take away from the nature of, especially, our hero and his actions even as the book continues on.

Second, and while we’re still on the sexualized part, this book has SO MUCH SEX TALK but it manages to not be sexy AT ALL! I know a lot of you find this one hot, but honestly it wasn’t for me. Which is an achievement because this author is constantly throwing around sex talk and managed to make it a turn off for me.

Third, our heroine. She was supposed to be so capable and kickass and she repeatedly comes across as someone who really doesn’t have much skill and is always making mistakes that land her in some trouble.

The one thing I should’ve hated but I can’t say I quite got there is the hero.  I actually found him a bit interesting and I think he’s got potential for being a character I grow to like OR it can go the other way completely and be one I hate with a passion.

I think this book tried to take some clues from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning but if you really want to read sexualized fae you might as well read the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton instead.  I’m kind of interested to see where the story goes next but I’m in no rush to pick up the next book.



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  1. when someone starts by saying “fae aren’t my favorite paranormal creatures” you know you aren’t going to get an unbiased review. It’s an erotic fantasy, without the sex talk it’s not an erotic fantasy anymore. Why did you bother to read the book when you knew you weren’t going to like it before you even began? I suspect your harsh review is solely based on the fact that you object to the non-consensual elements of the book. Maybe stick to young adult romance genre.