If you are looking for something sinful to fill a short gap then look no further than list little gem. This short story is as hot as they get.What more can a girl ask for than after a divorce and going to her high school reunion she gets hit on by the hot stud that used to be the football quarterback? Ohhh I know! You could get him plus his best friend who is now an NFL star!Trigger and Kailey were neighbors growing up and he’s always had a crush on the smart guy but felt intimidated. His best friend since forever, Bullet, has always had a thing for him and now wants to share in the beautiful woman that has captivated the heart of the only friend he’s ever had.But let me tell you, there’s nothing wrong or less hot when she’s with just one of these hot guys, but as the title gives away, some times the more the merrier.
The story, even though short, was very well written, touching on enough of the characters that I felt that I knew them and cared about what happened.
This is a permanent menage story and it does have just a small touch of m/m (very minor) so that goes as a warning. But it’s wickedly hot!
[about-author author=”Mercy Celeste”]
Sounds like a smoking hot read!!!!
Now that would be quite a high school reunion. Very hot!