COLLIDE both intrigued me and frustrated me in equal measures. ~ Under the Covers
I couldn’t help but pick up this book because of the new cover. Talia has been on the cover of some of my favorite books this year so I figured why not? I was in for a surprise because COLLIDE both intrigued me and frustrated me in equal measures.
In order to avoid spoilers I will attempt to share my thoughts on individual characters because these characters got A LOT of reactions from me, both in good and bad ways.
Emily’s character was frustrating. She is often naive, or ignorant of what her boyfriend Dillon is doing to her. I admire her in some scenes and then got frustrated – really, really frustrated! – by some of her actions and decisions in others. However, I do understand what the author was trying to accomplish with her character. She is confused and hurting and she believes that she owes a lot to Dillon for bringing her out here on his dime so she accepts all the shit he throws her way. She’s a doormat in this book, but it’s also part of her character development.
The author was very brave in making this decision because I know a lot of readers would have given up really fast once they learned of Emily’s big mistake. Some may not find the heart in them to forgive her actions, but I can tell you that if you read on to the next book, you’ll be satisfied.
Dillon, Emily’s boyfriend is the ultimate douchebag. I despised him with a passion and that only intensified with each page I read. His presence grated on me, but I will admit he does make for a really great bad guy. It was so easy to hate him.
Gavin Blake – oh my! I think I have a new book friend! I really liked Gavin’s character. He was confident without being overly cocky and he didn’t simply feel molded from the billionaire cookie-cutter frame. There were some times when I thought Gavin lapsed into lothairo mode, saying things that felt too suave or rehearsed. I didn’t like those aspects and wished he kinda moved away from all the sweet words. It kinda dimmed his appeal for me some.
Lastly, I want to talk about Olivia because I thought she was a hoot! Her nicknames for Dillon were awesome and creative, making me smile with her intense teasing. I’m hoping that when this series is over, Olivia gets a chance for a story.
COLLIDE does end with a fairly intense cliffhanger. Luckily, I already had PULSE on hand so I jumped right into that after. For a story that is sure to bring out the emotions in you, COLLIDE fits the bill.
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[about-author author=”Gail McHugh”]
Thanks for the review – this is a new book to me and it sounds like it might be worth reading in the end:)
Hi Maria! Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you give it a shot.
Thanks for the review Ann!
Thanks for stopping by, timitra!
You’re so right, this cover just sucks you in! It sounds interesting, I’ll have to check it out.