“After enjoying the first so much, book 2 took a nose dive and I admit the first 60%(ish) of this book was more of the same.”
~ Under the Covers
I’ve been reading this series for a little while and I feel like it took me the longest to pick up book 3 because I didn’t love book 2. After enjoying the first so much, book 2 took a nose dive and I admit the first 60%(ish) of this book was more of the same.
See, the thing I liked about the first book was the dynamic between the heroine and her love interest. I don’t even mean that in the romantic sense but when they were working together to solve a mystery it made for some fun interactions and it gave the book a nice feel. All that went away with book 2 after they were married and it certainly didn’t come back in this book until almost the very end. Lets say it’s been a rocky marriage. That’s also been responsible for me not loving the protagonist as much. I mean, she’s soulless so it makes sense that she can come off a little cold and uncaring I guess. But I’ve liked her less and less.
In this book I found her to be a weird combination of off-putting and funny at the same time. There’s something going on in this book which causes the friction between her and her husband and the way she “thinks” of that issue can be weird while being funny. But I also liked that she was willing to fight to prove that she was telling the truth.
All that being said, which probably makes no sense because I don’t want to put a spoiler, I enjoyed the last 15-20% of the book a lot more and I debated increasing my rating because of that but ultimately as a whole I think I’m leaving it at 3 stars. But I do have hopes that the next book will be better and all this drama will be put behind us.
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Thanks for the review.
I’ve actually been putting off book 2 because of the less than great reviews as compared to book 1.
Great review Francesca,will check this series out! Shared on all my socials!??
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it Francesca