What a wonderful, inspiring, love story! Though I have little knowledge or experience with military life, Ms. Scott had given me a glimpse of “a day in a life” of that world. This story is heart breaking but absolutely inspiring.

Well respected Shane Garrison is the Infantry platoon sergeant. He is a true patriot who dedicated his life to the military and may have recently divorced due to that very reason. He is to be deployed for Iraq with plans to protect his men but in doing so; he will come back a different person. Unfortunately this war did not leave him unscathed physically or emotionally. With no one waiting or caring for him, no money or place to live, Shane falls in despair. But with a help of a nurse he’d met once, Shane will learn how to cope and live again.

Jen St. James is scathed but not because of the war. She’s had major battles that caused her to be closed off to living her life. A divorcee with a history of mastectomy she truly has given up hope to having any relationship whatsoever. One night her friend succeeded and dragged her to go out to a going away party for the men and women to deploy for war. Bitter sweet but this night will change not only her life but the lives of the people she is with forever. I am in awe of how Shane and Jen had pulled through their trials in life. Surviving Cancer, injury from war and a broken marriage are hard situations to deal with but with the graces of having met each other, they manage to pull through. I broke into tears with as I read what happened in their past and present. As well as the situations with the side characters, Trent/Laura and Vic/Nikki. Marriage itself is always a work in progress and with war in the way, even harder to deal with. I would love to see more of what is to come of these couples living the life after a terrible experience with war.

Ms. Scott did such a great job writing this story. I felt everything they felt, the emotions and situations were so real that I can’t believe this is a work for fiction.

This book not only opened my eyes to military life, it made me proud of the men and women who work so hard to protect our country. As cliché as that sounds, it is what this book made me feel. I highly recommend this read to everyone!

*This book was provided by author

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  1. Such an awesome review! I love when a writer can draw you into the story and make you feel what the characters are felling. I have this one on my TBR, but will be moving it up to the top. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙂