“BAD PENNY had all the makings of a great romance but I think it fell short in the execution.”
~ Under the Covers

I’ve been wanting to read this author for a long time and I had picked up this book on Kindle Unlimited also a while back after seeing it on Booktube.  The thing about impulse buys is that maybe you’re not starting with the authors’ best and I feel like that’s what’s happened to me here.  I probably should’ve done a little better research and read reviews or recommendations instead of jumping into one that sounded like the premise of something I would enjoy.

Overall, BAD PENNY had all the makings of a great romance but I think it fell short in the execution.  A lot of what kept me distracted was the writing/editing.  Maybe I’m a little pickier than most?  There’s also the characters as individuals and what keeps them apart as a long term couple. I wasn’t sold on that either.  There were times when I felt like the hero would be better off with a different heroine.  In the end, I did like them together and I thought it was an okay book to read quick on a weekend afternoon.  It certainly isn’t too memorable and hasn’t left me itching to read everything this author has written.  I’ll definitely pick up a recommendation next time!


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