“This book is intense…Archon can and will fulfill that dark void in your library.” ~Under the Covers

In Archon we meet Angela Mathers, a tormented soul who is starting a new school after being released from a mental institution for brutally murdering her parents.ย  Unfortunately, her hopes to start a new life, makes a turn for the worst when she decides to attend West Wood Academy.ย  Her dreams turn into reality as she is pulled into a life of Angels, demons and witches.ย  What Angela doesnโ€™t know is that this may have been what she was destined for all along.

Archon is a dark and in depth book.ย  It took me a while to get through it because there are a lot of elements to this story, so while I found myself intrigued I also found myself a bit lost at times.ย  These characters however are ruthless individuals. They stop at nothing to get what they want and what they want is power, plain and simple. This book is intense, each character having his/her own darkness to make the book even more creepy and at times quite disturbing.ย  There were some times where I found the story to be slow but things soon picked up and it was just a mess of bloodshed, tricks, manipulation and lies.

Now, I donโ€™t want to get into a lot of detail because I donโ€™t want to ruin it for you all and also because I felt like I should have done my homework before I read Archon so that I could be prepared for all the information I had to take in. (This means stop being lazy and read the definitions in the back of the book!)ย  Archon isnโ€™t a book to just pick up on a whim for a light weekend read.

Where does Angela lie in all of this?ย  Well I canโ€™t tell you that, can I? Or Iโ€™d totally spoil it for you!ย  What I do know is there is no doubt in my mind that there is a second book!

Angels who are more corrupt than demons and witches who are more evil than the demons they summon, Archon can and will fulfill that dark void in your library.

*Review copy provided by publisher

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  1. Every once in a while you need something dark to even out the happy. This sounds like a winner. Thanks for the review.

  2. Jessica,
    I lurve a dark read, and have debated about buying this book. Your review has me very, VERY, curious.
    Was your 3 rating due to the confusing story lines?
    Oh, great—ANOTHER series that I will probably be hooked on soon. LOL
    Great review.

    1. Hi Trish!
      Yes my rating is mainly based off of the confusing story line, especially in the beginning and the fact that there were so many characters to keep track of because all of their stories were relevant to the story itself. I enjoyed this book and hope you do as well! Let me know what you think!
