You get all the stuff that makes this science-fiction-y BUT I think romance readers can also appreciate Koch’s chops at writing boy-meets-girl storyline. Koch just adds in aliens into the mix. ~ Under the Covers

We are back with Kitty! For all you loyal Kitty Katt fans, ALIEN IN THE HOUSE brings back all that we loved about the series. This book is brimming with the action, the politics, and the fun humor that we expect from this series. I was a little daunted by the sheer size of this book! At over 500+ pages, I wondered if we would get a watered down storyline and maybe some filler scenes. However, I do believe that this book is quite tightly-written and well-paced.

As you can expect, there are a ton of those wonderful lines from Kitty that make this narration so fun and easy to read. I don’t think Koch gets enough love for making such a fun character in Kitty. That being said, you should also know that it’s not all fun and games in this series. There are some heartbreaking moments that I think Koch writes equally well too. That balance in hard to reach but I believe that Koch does a fantastic job of it.

Along the same lines, Koch pens such great chemistry between Jeff and Kitty. If you thought the sexiness would die down, then you’re wrong! They are still as explosive as the first book and dare I say it? I much prefer where they are now. I don’t think Jeff and Kitty get enough recognition in the romance world simply because the series is categorized as Science Fiction. You get all the stuff that makes this science-fiction-y BUT I think romance readers can also appreciate Koch’s chops at writing boy-meets-girl storyline. Koch just adds in aliens into the mix 😉

ALIEN IN THE HOUSE is book 7 in the series and for those looking to try out the series, make sure you start at book one. As an ongoing series, there isn’t much recap of past events and I think this will save you from feeling a little lost.

If you’re feeling brave and want to try something out of the romance genre, but still want that touch of love within your novels, then this is a great one to try out! I always recommend this one to romance readers who are looking for more imaginative, action-packed books.



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