“I’ve been a fan of Amy Lane’s writing for a long time, but find that she excels at writing the sweet and sentimental scenes better. ”
~ Under the Covers
I’ve been procrastinating on this book for a very long time. But when friends recommended this series to me, I knew that I had to give it a try. The first couple of books weren’t enough to hook me into the series, which was why I was a little hesitant to jump into the third one. But unfortunately, I didn’t fall in love with it as much as my friends have.
I’ve been a fan of Amy Lane’s writing for a long time, but find that she excels at writing the sweet and sentimental scenes better. With this action and suspense series though, I just didn’t feel the real spark and still prefer her other stories.
I don’t know if that’s because I didn’t connect as much with the characters or something else, but this book took me a lot longer than I thought it would take me.
Nevertheless, I don’t doubt that Amy Lane is a good author. This series just wasn’t my favorite of hers.
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You did better than me. If I didn’t connect after book 2, I would’ve stopped.
I didn’t realize these were more romantic suspenses. I do like the way she writes a sweet-style romance though good to know this is something different.
Great review annie! Cute cover! Shared on my socials!!??
Thanks for the review Annie
Thanks for the review, I have the first few books on my TBR pile.