“…it was a great idea, but I felt like it really fell short on execution.”
~ Under the Covers

As readers we have all been in a situation where we have been really anticipating a book, then, when we finally crack it open and jump in it isn’t all that we hoped it would be. This is my experience of Real Men Knit. I originally picked it up because I loved the cover and then, when I looked into it more, I loved the concept. A man running a knitting shop? Friends to lovers? Slow burn? Sign me right up.

But, I got to about 60% before I decided to stop reading, I realised that this wasn’t going to get above a 2 star rating, so I decided to move on and read something else. For me, this book seemed to slowly meander but not really go anywhere. There was a little bit of sexual tension between the hero and the heroine but there was no real movement forward, they just seemed to fancy each other. I got to 60% and there had been no deepening of the relationship; they weren’t even really friends.

There was also too much inner monologuing going on. They think a lot (and fairly repetitively) about their feelings but never express anything. This served not only to really slow the pace of the book, but it made the relationships appear shallow. A central focus of this story was the difficult bonds between the hero and his brothers and their shared grief over their mother’s death. But, I didn’t really fell that. Instead it felt like a group of judgmental strangers were in the room; I didn’t get the complex mixture of love and frustration that accompanies siblinghood.

This book didn’t really work for me, it was a great idea, but I felt like it really fell short on execution.

What did you think of our review?
Let us know your thoughts in the comment box below!

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