Discover a heartwarming tale of family, love, and adventure in Once Upon a Sunset by Tif Marcelo. Follow Diana’s journey to the Philippines as she uncovers her roots and finds herself.

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Once Upon a Sunset by Tif Marcelo

Once Upon a Sunset by Tif Marcelo

March 3, 2020

Read this if you want:

  • Self-discovery journey
  • Family secrets
  • Cultural exploration

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I picked this up on a total whim because I loved the cover and it was about a woman’s journey discovering her past and her roots and traveling to the Philippines.  It sounded too good to pass up.  I haven’t read this author before so it was my first time and it won’t be my last!

ONCE UPON A SUNSET quickly became an addictive story.  There was something so captivating about this story and following these characters.  We not only get to know about our main protagonist, but also her mother and grandmother.  So very different stories but yet all touching in different ways.  Finding a new family that welcomed and rejected them at the same time.  It really highlighted how some decisions can have such big repercussions in life and trickle that effect down to generations.  In this case, the decision taken by our main protagionists’ grandfather.

Along the way we also get some romance.  I think it was done really well, woven into the main story seamlessly.  It kept taking me along and wanting to keep reading, not put this down, until I had read it all.

In a way, this was a subtle story.  But it had everything I wanted to see.  Some drama, some romance, emotions, family, culture, adventure.  I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more from this author in the future.

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  1. I’ve found that sometimes it’s the subtle stories that have the biggest impact. Thank you for the review.