“NOT HER DAUGHTER was just a little lackluster for me in the end.”
~ Under the Covers

This was actually one of my most anticipated debuts of 2018.  I had seen a ton of early buzz for it and I had my hands on an ARC.  Then I didn’t get to read it and it got pushed down the TBR.  I was expecting a thrilling ride and I found instead NOT HER DAUGHTER was just a little lackluster for me in the end.

As the title may suggest, this is about a child getting abducted by a woman.  I don’t want to say much else about it so it doesn’t loose the impact of the story, which maybe will work better for you.  So I’ll just talk about my feelings generally.

When I say lackluster it’s because I wasn’t invested.  It didn’t draw out any big emotions from me.  Either of compassion for the main character or repulsion.  I felt very neutral throughout the story, and maybe at times a little bored.

What I did like was the author’s attempt to make the reader question how they felt about the heroine’s actions.  Because I did question that a time or two.  Was that a bit easy to do because of how the story is laid out?  Maybe.  Could it have been more impactful?  Definitely.

Nonetheless, this was a fast read and a decent debut novel.  It hasn’t left me rushing to pick up her next book but I will probably read what the author releases next at some point.



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