“If you are a fan of the Fall Away series, you won’t want to miss it.”
~ Under the Covers

I went into this book a bit blind.  I didn’t realize what the story was about until I started reading it and then slowly it clicked.  This is the story of the parents we saw throughout the Fall Away series.  But the author tells it in such a unique way, I have to give her credit for both teasing a new story and giving us such a good understanding of the past at the same time.

Basically this story is “technically” told from the POV of Quinn Caruther.  You may remember her as Jaxon, Jared and Madoc’s little sister.  Let me get this out of the way.  There is no HEA for her in this book but I am definitely itching to find out more.  I need to read her story soon.  What is compelling about NEXT TO NEVER is that through Quinn’s eyes we discover how her parents came to be together.  A story of love that persevere to be a happy ending when it could’ve easily turned out very different.  I really liked the author’s approach on how she told this story, and the glimpses we get of the whole gang from the series.  Both from the past as well as the future.  A small window after their HEAs.

Overall, this was a short and welcomed addition to the series, and it’s left me very interested to read more about Quinn.  If you are a fan of the Fall Away series, you won’t want to miss it.




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