“The movie isn’t what the book lovers would be dying to see. BUT! ย Yes, there’s a but. ย If you let that go, it s a pretty good movie.” ~Under the Covers

OK, I’ll give you an objective review. ย As a die hard fan of the series, I was extremely worried to go watch this after seeing the previews. ย But here’s the thing. ย I knew I couldn’t stay away! ย I love the books too much to miss out on the movies! ย So, I prepared myself for a movie that wouldn’t be exactly what I envisioned and went in with an open mind. ย To take in what they gave me and process it by what it was. ย Pretending I hadn’t read the books.

I have mixed feelings. ย Of course! ย The movie isn’t what the book lovers would be dying to see. BUT! ย Yes, there’s a but. ย If you let that go, it s a pretty good movie. ย Casting, well I think Rose was a great pick in the looks department. ย The personality? ย Well, since the whole movie goes in a different light then Rose’s personality was off a bit for me, but movie Rose was still an extremely likeable character. ย Dmitri? ย I did like him. ย I wasn’t sure I was sold on him playing THE GOD of all book boyfriends, but he did a pretty good job. ย I mean, no one can really play him and be book Dmitri. ย That’s just too much to live up to. ย But he did a good job!

The Dmitri scenes were definitely my favorite ones in the book, and I do think he played well the romance with the looks and intensity. ย I wish Rose would’ve put aside the humor and playing a bit, and gotten more into the romance as well, but I know that will come later.

The rest of the casting was decent, even if the acting could use some improving. ย I was not happy at all with the casting for Mason!

The feel of the movie is a lot like Mean Girls, with all the high school drama being highlighted way more than in the book. ย Although, could this be that I overlooked it in the book? ย Not sure, it’s been a while since I read it. ย It definitely lacked in the kick ass department but it is book one, and there wasn’t a whole lot of ass kicking then.

Overall, I think the storyline was pretty true to the book, while seeing that through someone else’s POV of what the book had to offer. ย What I really do like about it is that it’s a great and fresh vampire movie. ย Forget Twilight, I think this could attract a new generation of teenagers (especially girls) to reading. ย And frankly, if they pick up their first book with Richelle Mead, they can’t go wrong. ย This series is still to this day one of my favorites and I hope that it can draw new readers! ย Although, I have to say I was unimpressed with the numbers attending opening night.

So what about you? ย Have you watched the movie yet or plan to? ย Are you a fan of the books? ย What are your thoughts?

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  1. I haven’t read the books yet even though I wanted to. I will probably watch it, just not at the theaters. I guess I don’t have any need or want to go see the movie in theaters. If I read the book then it would be a different story. I know I would be itching to watch it just so I can compare.

  2. I haven’t read the books, but because my teen daughter is a fan I took her to see the movie and LOVED it!!! I now want to read the books.

  3. Thank you, I will look out for the movie as I have read one of the books and really enjoyed it.