Recommended Read!
“Pierce Brown isn’t an author that holds back and the events in MORNING STAR prove it. Everything feels bigger, from the characters to the stakes.”
~ Under the Covers
MORNING STAR is the last book in the Red Rising trilogy and what a journey it has been. Even if you aren’t the biggest Fantasy or Science Fiction fan, I would still recommend you try this series out because it’s just a good story. Period.
I’m not going to go into the details of what happens because that would be spoilery, but I also think it’s much better to experience it all yourself. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be holding your breath throughout, possibly on the verge of crying because of what these characters go through. Pierce Brown isn’t an author that holds back and the events in MORNING STAR prove it. Everything feels bigger, from the characters to the stakes.
Speaking of characters, I think it’s going to be hard to find another hero that tops Darrow. He’s shown so much growth over the course of the series that it’s baffling to think that there’s only three books. Showcasing heartbreak and strength, Darrow is a character that is wise beyond his years, making me believe that older audiences and not just teens would enjoy this story as well.
Although I am saddened to see the series come to an end, the new series set years after this one has me excited. In just three books, Pierce Brown has quickly become one of my favorite auto-buy authors.
[about-author author=”Pierce Brown”]
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looking forward to reading this…may even get my nephew to read this too
Oh great idea! I hope you both enjoy!
Thanks for the review.
Thanks Annie for the review