“There is something still very alluring about the setting and the story of this family and this series…”
~ Under the Covers

After reading LOVING AMBER I was so intrigued by the mysterious man that had moved into the Estate near the Riverstones.  I had also fallen in love with the wild child sister, Ruby.    Reading LOVING RUBY was a treat because it features a reclusive hero that is not often the dominating alpha we read about all the time.  But he was also strong and assertive in certain areas of his life.  The dual image of his character was interesting and I can totally see how Ruby fell for his charms.

At first, the intrigue worked really well for me.  In fact, I was so into the story I didn’t want to put it down.  But I think somewhere around the middle it went from great to ok.   It lost a bit of steam.  That’s not to say the chemistry between Ruby and her Mr. Hyde was not excellent, still.  They even had some extra hot moments.  But the build up that had kept me glued to the pages at first didn’t deliver in the way I expected.  And that’s exactly that.  It boils down to expectations.  The story was still good, I just wanted them to explode together, but turned out their personalities deep down were just slightly different than that.

All in all, this was a fun take on an office romance.  Ruby working as an author’s assistant for Mr. Hyde, working out of his home after she’s heard the rumors that he’s a widow and on house arrest for the murder of his wife.  What is the truth about the mysterious man?  Uncovering that was part of the fun and I think Ruby was just the type of personality he needed in his life to draw that out of him and get him living again.  But this review wouldn’t be complete if we don’t mention the adorable pet that is Mr. Hyde’s best friend.  Loved that little addition, which made his character more endearing even as it added to his quirky personality.

There is something still very alluring about the setting and the story of this family and this series and I can’t wait to continue reading to see what happens next.




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