“LOVE HER OR LOSE HER was steamy, fun and emotional all at the same time.”
~ Under the Covers
I was highly anticipating reading this book. First, because it’s a story about a marriage in trouble. And second, because this was setup really well in FIX HER UP and I was antsy to find out what would happen. I’m always really interested in seeing these type of stories and how they can get back to their HEA. It’s even more rewarding in some cases.
LOVE HER OR LOSE HER was steamy, fun and emotional all at the same time. It’s a book that can easily be read in one sitting and keeps you entertained the whole time. This is about Dominic and Rosie, high school sweethearts and still very much in love with each other. But somehow along the way things started to fall apart. Their sex life is still going strong but everything else isn’t working. Rosie finally has the courage to say she deserves better than what their everyday life has become and decides to leave him. And this story starts from there.
While there’s quite a bit of lack of communication in this story it didn’t really rub me the wrong way as it would in a lot of miscommunication plots. You really understand how different Dominic is and thinks as opposed to Rosie and how their personalities have gotten them to where they are. I admired the determination to not let their marriage fall apart and how they both had to change things to make the other feel appreciated again. There’s also plenty of humor, especially when it comes to the scenes with the marriage counselor.
Don’t let the cute covers for this series fool you. These books are extremely hot, and this one was no different. There’s an intense and raw attraction that just bursts when they are near each other.
And last, this book has a great sense of community and has left me excited for the next book in the series which will be about Wes and Bethany. I’m anxiously awaiting that installment in this series.
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I thought book 1 was ok but I am really interested in these 2!
It’s very different dynamic and personalities than the first book. Hope you give this one a chance.
Great review Francesca. Loved this book
So happy to hear you liked it too
Can’t wait to read this one, I’m on my library waitlist.