“This book is a great slow burn romance, it has a damaged but lovable hero, an adorable toddler and a kickass heroine. ”
~ Under the Covers
Naomi has no idea where she is. She woke up in a jungle, where none of the animal or plant life looks familiar, with a pack of supplies and weird anklet. But, as a scout leader she knows how to survive, but the loneliness and the not knowing may drive her insane before the jungle does. Then she bumps into a creature that reminds her of Bigfoot… and Bigfoots adorable son. Krol has been exiled in the jungle with his baby nephew Ryll ever since his brother was murdered by his Queen. The Queen then beat Krol and left him for dead. All because the female wanted to kill his nephew, her son. When Krol sees Ryll playing with the strange Queen, he is filled with terror and mistrust. However, circumstances push them together and they must learn to rely on one another if they all want to survive.
I have been so excited to get my hands on this book. V.C. Lancaster would cruelly torture us with small excerpts posted on Facebook leaving me even more desperate to get my hands on it. I know recently there has been some controversy about “Bigfoot erotica”, and I suppose this book would fall conveniently in that category. However, to just dismiss it as “that weird Bigfoot erotica” would be doing this book a disservice. Yes Krol, and all the other males in this series, are tall and slightly hairier than the average man, but that doesn’t stop it being a fantastic romance. By the end, you kind of forget that he’s a “Bigfoot”, instead he’s just Krol.
Krol’s Goddess takes its time building up the romance, at first Krol and Naomi do not trust one another. For him, he has a history of being abused by females and she has been dropped into a strange new place and Krol is a scary looking guy. It’s only the presence of the adorable Ryll that allows them to connect as they start to bond over his care. The first half of the book is the three of them together, slowly becoming a family unit.
The second half of the book is where, building on the trust they have gained, the romance starts to blossom. When Krol, Ryll and Naomi stumble onto Ruth, Gron and company their dynamics begin to shift.I really enjoyed watching their perspective shift from a co-parent to a potential romantic partner. Much like the other couples, Naomi and Krol couldn’t understand one another’s language, which somehow made it more romantic. I also loved how Krol’s thinking had changed from believing her to be an evil spirit of some kind, to a goddess sent to bless him.
This book is a great slow burn romance, it has a damaged but lovable hero, an adorable toddler and a kickass heroine. I know the appearance of the hero will be too strange for some people. However, if you don’t mind something a little out of ordinary I highly recommend giving this series a try.
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Thanks for the review.
I found book 1 cute. I have to get to book 2.
Awesome review suzanne!!! This book sounds so good!! Shared on all my socials!!
Sounds interesting, thanks for the review Suzanne