“I would like to see more character development happen for Lana’s character.”
~ Under the Covers

It’s always fun to jump back into the world that Vivien Chien’s world and after enjoying the last book of the series, I was definitely looking forward to reading his new book. KILLER KUNG PAO is the sixth book of the Noodle Shop Mystery series.

When someone that Lana doesn’t really get along with is killed, this sets Lana Lee into a mental tailspin. She’s already got a lot on her plate with managing Ho-Lee Noodle House, but her amateur sleuth skills are once again put to the test to figure out what really happened.

I enjoyed this book, but probably not as much as the previous one. I think that the mystery was done well. However, it doesn’t necessarily spark a lot of inspiration if you’re an avid Cozy Mystery reader. So I would say it’s a good book to read if you’re not very familiar with the genre or just want something very light. Still, it isn’t a bad book. It’s just a bit on the lighter side.

I would like to see more character development happen for Lana’s character. Much like her sister and family complains, I do feel like she is very immature for her age. I don’t mind the crazy hairstyle and all that, but her thinking does seem a bit elementary in some cases. We’re the same age, but I definitely feel like she could grow up a bit more. Starting out the series like that is completely fine, but we’re six books in already and I would like to see Lana grow and mature, taking what she learned over the course of the series and become a stronger woman.


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One Comment

  1. I’ve had my eye on these since the first one released. I’m glad to see your thoughts on this latest. Good to know what to expect- especially with the character.