Bianca D’Arcย 

She just released the 6th book in her Brotherhood of Blood series, Wolf Hills, and she’s taken some time to chat with us for a bit.ย  Please welcome today, Bianca D’Arc!

Hi Bianca, welcome to UTC we are very excited to have you here today!!
I’m very excited to be here! Thanks for having me!

Lets start with something easy (or hard). Who is Bianca D’Arc? Tell us five interesting things that readers would not know.

1. I guess you could call me a serial career changer. I started my work life in a laboratory and went from there to an office, then to a library, and now a home office, where I write. I guess you could say I like to try new things. Either that, or I have a short attention span. Probably a little of both.

2. Despite being a woman of science, I believe there are people who can see glimpses of the future or receive messages from beyond. That might be why I write some characters that have those kinds of abilities.

3. I drive a Jeep and LOVE my practical vehicle. It’s the first and only brand new car I’ve ever had all to myself.

4. My mother was an immigrant from the Netherlands. While I think I’m an American through and through and wouldn’t live anywhere else, I believe I have a little different perspective on the world because of the way I was raised by my “foreign” mother, who was my best friend in the entire universe. She was the coolest person I’ll ever know. (She drove Mustangs and even had a Jeep for a while – in her 70’s – too!) She marched to the beat of her own drum at all times and taught me to be the woman I have, and continue to become.

5. My dad is a World War II vet and was a scientist who worked on the space program. He nurtured my love of science and science fiction from my earliest years. Also, most of the men in my family have been officers in the military, attended military academies or been in the Special Forces. So when I write military heroes, I do it with love and respect.

Describe your Brotherhood of Blood series in three words.
Sexy, compelling & smart.

What can readers expect of your latest release Wolf Hills and the sexy alpha Jason Moore?
There’s lots of action in this story! There’s a fast moving plot that brings the hero and heroine together under tough circumstances where they learn a lot about each other in a short time.

What’s on your Ipod playlist? Do you listen to music as you write?

My playlist is ecclectic. From Puccini to Styx to Anugama and beyond. I like classic rock, Italian opera, Canadian folk, a little bit of older country (men with deep, sexy voices, mostly), movie soundtracks, new age, world music… you name it! The only thing I’m not down with is hip hop, rap or current pop music. Sorry. I’m an old stick in the mud when it comes to the stuff that’s popular today. I feel it’s over-produced in the studio. I like “real” music that can be reproduced live. I LOVE live music, which is probably why the only modern music I really go for is rock, where the bands can and do sound like they do in the studio when they play live.

I don’t usually listen to music when I write, but if I do, it’s got to be something that won’t distract me too much. So it would be space music or new age. Something that can play in the background and not capture my attention too much so I can devote my concentration to the writing. That said, I often write with the TV on, but somehow I can tune that out when I need to, or even hit “mute” or write during the commercials. I’m a multi-tasker! ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you have a writing process? Do you have to listen to music, have complete silence, write only on a full moon?
Nah. None of that. I write whenever, wherever. I’m not too picky. All I really need is inspiration and time.

Of all the books you have written which couple would you say is closest to your heart?
My favorite couple is actually a threesome. Drake of the Five Lands has been one of my favorite characters since the moment he first came to life as a supporting characters in Prince of Spies. When I wrote Drake’s story, there was a lot of tricky emotional stuff that came from his first return to his homeland in 15 years and the family and dragon he’d left behind. His fighting partner, Sir Mace, and their lady, Krysta, are a dynamic threesome that truly support each other and work together to make each member of the triad – and their extended family – stronger. I love the way they work together.

What draws you to write paranormal romance books, have you been inspired by other authors, had a hot vampire neighbor?
I’ve always been a fan of paranormal – from even before it was cool. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I loved the Christine Feehan “Dark” series and devoured them when I was younger. I always looked for paranormal titles and I remember being bummed when I first started trying to write to find out that most publishers wouldn’t touch paranormal with a ten-foot pole. My, how things have changed! For the better, in my opinion. I love having the freedom to write what I like without having to worry that I won’t be able to find a publisher for it. Nowadays, with the advent of small press and ebooks, there are many more outlets and many publishers are more willing to take a risk on new ideas and settings.

Which hero or heroine has been the easiest to write, which has been the hardest?
Sarah in Once Bitten, Twice Dead was easy to write because she’s from Long Island. I’ve lived on Long Island my entire life so there’s something to be said for ‘writing what you know.” Jared in Border Lair was tough because he had such a tragic background. There is a cathartic scene in there where he breaks down and I wasn’t quite sure about it when I first wrote it. I was really afraid I’d gone too far, but it turned out to be one most poignant scenes readers comment on and enjoy, which is very rewarding.

Tell us the first thing that comes to mind:
* Shifter – werewolf Jason, mmmmmmmmm.
* Vampire – sexy Atticus and wine, yum.
* Tattoos – not for me, but sexy on certain guys

Quick fire!
Shifters or vamps?
Tats or piercings? Neither, sorry. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Morning person or a night owl? Bring on the night!
Ereader or paperback? Eeeeeeeeeee for meeeeeeeeee!!!!

Danger prowls on two legsโ€ฆ

A Brotherhood of Blood story

Detective Sally Deckerโ€™s Wyoming trip to visit her newlywed friend, Carly, turns into a dangerous adventure into the unknown when she learns Carlyโ€™s husband is a master vampire, and thereโ€™s a pack of werewolves living just up the road. As if that wasnโ€™t alarming enough, the sexy Alpha wolf has taken a shine to her.

Jason Moore is an Alpha on a mission to make Sally his own. His very public seduction doesnโ€™t sit well with the packโ€™s available females, but instinct tells him that Sally can handle anything, including any werewolf bitch dumb enough to challenge her.

Romance gives way to a call to arms when the packโ€™s children come under attack. Their rescue mission turns into a mating dance and the hunt is on in more ways than one. Their attraction is mind-bendingly hot, though startling revelations about his magic and her origins could drive a wedge between them forever. Can love help them bridge the chasm between their worlds?

Product Warnings
This book contains bombs, bullets, bare-knuckled and bare-naked lust, and some serious ass kicking. Please do not feed the frisky furballs, unless youโ€™re willing to risk drawing back a bloody nub.


Bianca is giving away winner’s choice of one of the previous books in the Brotherhood of Blood series in ebook. You can choose from: One & Only, Rare Vintage, Phantom Desires, Sweeter Than Wine or Forever Valentine.ย  This is open internationally.

To enter:

1. Be a follower
2. Fill out the form below

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  1. Great interview…
    I’ve enjoyed the first four books in this series and would like to win the next one.
    Great giveaway…
    I love tats but don’t have an opinion of piercings; never gave em much thought!!

  2. I loved the interview. I do have anything against tattoos but haven’t dated anyone with any. I don’t really like piercing. I dont have my ears even pierced.

  3. I love Bianca’s Dragon Knights…looking forward to reading the Vampire Tales series!!!! If I win this contest I’d like to have the first book in this series-One and Only!!!

  4. Thanks for a fabulous interview and giveaway! I love the premise of these books and I’m definitely going over to check them out ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hello Bianca

    I’m not entering the Contest because I have EVERY Book in Bianca’s Brotherhood of Blood Series, even her new release (which I pre-oredered months in advance) “Wolf Hills”.

    BUT I just wanted to tell everyone WOW!!!!! You just HAVE to get this Entire Series, they are all sooooo Decadently Sinful & Dangerously Erotic…she hooks you from the very first page and wonโ€™t let go till the last page is turned, What a HOT Ride! You won’t be disappointed!!! The only disappointment is when I turn that last page & have to wait until the next release. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take Care Everyone & Stay Naughty,
    PaParanormalFan (Reneeโ€™ S.)
    paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

  6. Great review!
    I noticed the author said she listens to Canadian Folk music…Annie Girl when your not listening to that European boy band do you listen to Canadian folk music too since your Canadian? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for the giveaway girlies!!!
    I couldn’t focus on the interview much since all the men in the pics were so smokin hot! Thanks for the visuals! XOXO

  7. I love shifters and vampires. This story sounds great. The fact that Jason is sure Sally can handle herself is hot! I would have thought you listened to music when you write. That’s interesting. I guess we won’t see a bunch of playlists for your books!

  8. GREAT interview! This sounds like a series I would REALLY like! I’ve only read a couple of Bianca’s books: Inferno and The Beast Within…liked them both VERY much! My local library doesn’t carry much of her work…unfortunately. Thx for this AWESOME giveaway op! ๐Ÿ™‚

    barbbattaglia @

  9. Wow! So many comments! I’ll try to answer any questions and hit the highlights of the comments…

    Funny how a lot of you focussed in on the tattoo/piercing thing. I don’t really like either, but that’s probably because I’m an old fuddy duddy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    RRE asked what I did in the library. I was a reference librarian in an academic law library. I don’t think it really helped me with my writing because I was dealing with very dry subject matter – no fiction at all. But it was a fun job. I love all kinds of libraries!

    And no, there probably won’t be any “playlists” for my books because if I listen to music, I really LISTEN. I can’t focus on the writing and listening at the same time, I guess. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Barbara – if you ask your local librarian (usually someone in charge of “collection development” or “purchasing”), I bet they’d buy the books you want for your library. Couldn’t hurt to ask! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the warm welcome to the blog and all the great comments!!!

    – Bianca
    Come over to The D’Arc Side…

  10. I’ve read all of the Brotherhood of Blood series and I can honestly say … wow! Love them all great interview Bianca, would love some more additions to this series or the wolves