“”Forgotten Promises is such a different voice than Jessica Lemmon’s Second Chance series…if you are used to her work, you’ll see a whole world of difference in this novel. “~ Under the Covers

Forgotten Promises is such a different voice than Jessica Lemmon’s Second Chance series. And if you are used to her work, you’ll see a whole world of difference in this novel. Gone is the sweet small town or billionaire romance, now comes an intense and dark Story.

I’d like to warn you now, this novel touches on physical and emotional abuse, and there is a hint of Stockholm syndrome to the story. So, if that’s something you don’t like, I’ll tell you to stop now and move on. Typically, I don’t like those subject matters, but being that Jessica Lemmon is an author I follow, I jumped at this book.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures and Tucker Noscalo is all out options. Fresh out of jail and just about clueless on how to execute his plans to prove his innocence and to save his sister from their abusive father. His only chance is to seek help from a girl he once knew, Morgan Young. Of course, his way of asking her was not necessarily the best of ways. But if you learn more about his past, you’ll understand his desperation. Luckily for him, he received more than what he’d asked for.

Tucker’s hardship and the storytelling of his past were detailed, and Lemmon did a good job letting me feel his emotions…I was devastated for him. I’m glad he later connected with Morgan, who provided what he needed and truly deserves. I’m surprised she came through for him, though. The blurb made me expect Morgan to be a spoiled brat; she’s not. She had moments of acting out her young mind, but that just goes with her sheltered life. She’s not my favorite heroine, but she was okay overall.

Lemmon’s writing is good, and there’s no question that her story flows. Unfortunately, I didn’t like this book as much as the books in her Second Chance series. I wasn’t expecting a dark novel, and that threw me off a bit. Would I have picked it up if I knew? Probably. Like I said, I follow this author and have enjoyed reading her other books. I think going in with open eyes would make the experience better. If you’re in the mood for a dark romance, this would be an enjoyable read.




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