“If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be sweet.”
~ Under the Covers

In the eighteenth book in the Sullivans series, Bella Andre finally gives Harry Sullivan his story. I was really looking forward to his story because he seems to be the most steady and most caring member of the family. He has such a big heart that I wondered who would be able to snatch his up. I’m happy to note that this story was both sweet and charming and a perfect addition to this series.

This book actually features a trope that I am not really a big fan of, so when I started the book, I was a little nervous because I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. It’s a secret baby trope that I feel like has been vastly overused in this genre. However, Andre doesn’t spend too much time on the angst and keeps the book moving forward nicely. Despite the awkwardness in the beginning, I found that the romance was able to progress well without lagging too much. I think it also helped that everyone was very accommodating and accepting of Harry’s fifteen-year-old daughter.

If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be sweet. There are plenty of heartwarming and touching moments in this book and dare I say it, it kind of makes me miss my family. Because of all the love that this book has, it will really make you feel good. And, I feel like this book definitely celebrates the Sullivans as a family and really plays up their solid relationship with one another.


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